Russell's Sixth Birthday
October 25, 2002
(click to enlarge)

Russell at PE at school.

Russell's kindergarten just before school's out.

Russell on the lookout for birthday arrivals.

Roark, Justin, Logan, and Malcom find worm,
examine, probe, then release. Worm not mutilated.

Frank (aka, Dad) reads a letter from the
International Department of
Important Birthdays Department.

David finds a map which leads to another map
and some tasty morsels.

Justin, Malcom, Maya, David, Sabine,
Roark, Logan, and Russell
display maps and smiles.

Russell explains the science of Oreos.

Russell blows, hard! While David
Malcom, Justin (helping), Sabine,
Logan, and Maya look on.

Chocolate chip cooking "cake."
What ever happened to watermelon?

Justin, Russell, and the gang twist and shout.

Pumpkin carving a Maya's house in the evening.
This is what happened at the party:
  1. Climbed the tree in the front yard
  2. Played soccer in the back yard (Russell is such a ball hog -- but a very good player)
  3. Went to the mail box, looked at the numbers on the mail box, and collected mail.
  4. Checked mail inside the house.
  5. Found letter to Russell from the International Department of Important Birthdays Department
  6. Used enclosed map to find where we found another map. Continued for 12 stations. At the odd stations we also found carrots, grapes, crackers, cheetos, pencils, and oreos. David threw up at station 9.
  7. At last station there was a giant birthday cookie with the candles lit.
  8. Kids colored on butcher paper on table then were served cookie pieces.
  9. Russell opened presents.
  10. Erupted baking soda - vinegar - dishwashing soap - food coloring volcano.
  11. Played twister.
  12. Wrestled
  13. Played freeze tag.
  14. Parents picked up kids.
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